Currently we offer the following Service Products:
Maintenance Improvement
Work Order Backlog Cleanup
WestCorp will provide you with a team of experienced Planners to specifically tackle your WorkOrder backlogs. Our team of professionals will plan these jobs out, making them ready for scheduling. All this, while your maintenance planning team can continue focusing on their daily tasks.
Legacy Work Order Project
Your company switches to a new CMMS system? From start to finish, our team will assist with the conversion of WorkOrders out of your “legacy system” into your new CMMS; and this is only one of the challenges we can help you solve when you are implementing a new CMMS.
‘Bad Actor’ Identification
WestCorp helps you with the identification of your ‘Bad Actors’ and the creation of plans and strategies to reduce the breakdown and downtime of that equipment. Of course, this happens in close cooperation with your Reliability and Preventive Maintenance teams.
'Emergency Plans' for Critial Equipment
Prepare yourself for unforeseen events by having emergency repair plans ready for all your critical equipment. A WestCorp team can help you get those set up.

Asset Management
Reliability Program Development
Is your company setting up Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) for the first time? Does your existing program need an upgrade? At WestCorp we have the tools to support you, with our cross-functional team of experienced RCM experts and Maintenance Planners.
Here are some important elements of such a program that we can help you with:
Equipment Strategies
WestCorp provides you with tailored equipment strategies and maintenance development programs, specific to your company’s needs. By using RCM methodologies and RCFA, WestCorp can help with the enhancement of existing maintenance programs as well as the creation of new maintenance programs for your equipment.
Preventive Maintenance Planning
At WestCorp we have the tools and the knowledge to define PM frequencies and PM programs that will help extend the life of your equipment. WestCorp’s reliability experts work with your team to develop the preventive maintenance program according to your company’s requirements.
Failure Mode Identification
WestCorp supports the setup and use of Failure Mode Identification as one of the fundamentals for your RCM program. This provides your planners with ‘historic’ data and helps your maintenance organization to prevent future breakdowns.

Maintenance Planning Projects
Master Data Clean-Up / Scrubbing
Does your equipment or material master data have double entries, outdated information, or is data simply missing? A dedicated WestCorp team can focus on creating, cleaning-up and/or scrubbing your master data in ‘no’ time!
Standard Planning Packages
One of WestCorp’s specialties is the creation of Standard Planning Packages. We set up standardized job plans, ensure the correct and consistent verbiage, use standard estimates, and attach (or better: link to the latest versions of) all required drawings and documents. Create them once, use them again and again.
Turnaround Planning/Scheduling
One specific form of Standard Planning Packages are standard ‘open/clean/inspect’ work scopes for turnarounds: WestCorp has a lot of experience in building those kind of packages, either on an equipment type level, or down to each individual equipment.
Tag-ID Projects
Based on your current requirements, WestCorp can provide you with the right team and setup to build Standard Planning Packages for a specific scope, or for each and every Tag ID in your entire plant. We offer these projects with a mix of 'onsite' and ‘virtual' teams to be fast and cost efficient.

WestCorp is committed to providing our clients with the best possible service at economical pricing. One of the ways we make this happen is by offering 'Unit Rate Pricing' (as opposed to calculating cost based on 'time and material') for several of our Service Products. That way, clients can be assured that the work is done as efficiently as possible within a calculable budget.
Whenever possible, WestCorp also involves virtual teams. We coordinate this by positioning a core group of our specialists onsite and placing the remaining team members in one of our company offices for remote work. This results in substantial savings for our clients and is an especially popular solution for locations with restricted onsite office space or in remote locations.
Whether you’re trying to hit performance targets, overcome system failures or simply get back on track, we invite you to talk to us about these Service Products and how they could support you and your company.